With enshittification really taking hold on the stalwarts of FAG, I have to ask whither the Internet?
Google is throttling traffic to independent sites, and Authority Hacker claims that they’re going to resolve these ‘issues’. Somehow I doubt they will. Google’s algos really have weakened the quality of their results, as has their layout on Google’s own pages. I’ve started switching searches to Duckduckgo and B(e)ing for the time being.
Amazon search and results have been problematic for quite a while, stuffed full of quasi-results, advertising junk & fake reviews. Then the continuous upsell techniques of dark linking and evil defaults (that I always double-check, such as getting opted into Prime or having the currency converted for me).
FB has similarly turned their network into a quagmire of shitty advertisers, low quality content, links to other Meta properties and products, and endless bots in the groups. The bots, spammers & hackers are the single reason I quit modding on FB. It’s just not worth the hassle, since there isn’t an end to the problem. It’s just more and more shit.
So far, only Netflix has remained similar to its original purposes, as I remember it. I don’t doubt they will become worse over time. It seems humans can’t get with the program: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”. The mid-level managers, C-suite manglers and Vennells like CEO seem content to spin, tweak, and ‘do their job’ of making institutional owners ‘happy’.
Beware enshittification. It’s a real phenominon: it’s been happening since the Web began (and before). Keep your data, walled and personal info close to you!