So? Both Switzerland and Norway are members of the EEA. Ukraine is a post-Soviet era country that would in all probability like to join its former soviet-era friends like Romania, Hungary, etc in the EU. But can’t because of the involvement by Russia.

Other former republics of Yugoslavia are slowly joining the EU, such North Macedonia (applied in 2004), Montenegro (applied in 2008), Albania (applied in 2009) Serbia (applied in 2009), Bosnia in 2015. There aren’t many countries left after those, except Moldavia, Belarus and Russia in Europe. I don’t think those last three are great candidates.

The UK won’t die outside the EU and it’s going to be a fairly long term adjustment for our country. At least 20 years before the economy gets things sorted out. The only EU wide organization that the UK remains a part of is NATO.

None of this negates the fact that it is still the stupidest decision we’ve made, and allowed to happen, in generations. We gave up a trading bloc of close to half a billion people, severed links built up of 70 years, erected trade barriers with one of our biggest trading partners… None of this is smart.

What have we received in return? A trade deal with Australia that we already had before? Wonderful… let me vote for the Tory Party (oh, wait! I can’t!) and the ever facile rotating leadership one more time, please! Oh, wait! I didn’t vote for them!