Health update
Well, since I finished the last 60 days segment to lose weight. I kept getting sick. I don’t know why. Started off with bronchitis that never really went away. Then I got flu then I got a head cold.
Finally just about getting better when I got the XBB vaccine and that sent me into a tailspin yesterday. So I have not made any progress in the last month. And I haven’t been exercising particularly much.
Today’s weight was registered at 86.8 kg. And I’m feeling better today. I really need to watch amount of caffeine I have taken.
So I am wondering why I get sick more these days. I am going to adopt a stricter approach to avoiding catching winter viruses.
- Strict hand hygiene
- Gloves at work and on the bus
- Face masking
- Clean work tools thoroughly
- Zinc supplements
- Clean desks and classrooms
I honestly don’t know if those steps will work but I gotta put an end to these viruses attacking me!