The problem with Gurus, like BCI and Markus HeitKoetter is that they lock away ‘their’ secret sauce behind a paywall. By doing so, they no longer become traders or investors, but content marketers.

The problem for us as outsiders is that we then can’t assess if their secret sauce is
- a) correct and complete;
- b) repeatable and;
- c) profitable.
If it was all of these, why are they not trading it themselves? They would then be as rich as Croesus and have no need to market any content.
If they really are effective, then either everyone of their ‘students’ would be similarly successful or the market would seek to eliminate their ‘advantage’. Competition would kill their strategy thereby undermining the a, b and/or c above.
So, their strategy may be profitable… but I think we can assume that it is not correct/complete and/or not repeatable. Of course, this is not to say that whatever they say is gospel or garbage.
You probably can learn a lot of very insightful stuff (I have). But you will likely be underwhelmed by their performance in your hands. You are not them, you do not have their experience or skill or talent or insight. You are you.

Figure out what works for you, invest on your own merits. Don’t go YOLO, don’t blow your account, avoid Penny Stocks, and study!!! Even papertrade if you want to!