Hit Delete! This is so obvious, it’s pathetic. Yet people must still fall for it. I guess people are just to busy. Hint: Apple won’t do this!
Check the email carefully, esp. as it’s unexpected! We see a Microsoft Outlook email on hosted Google API telling me that my ICLOUD photos are all going to be deleted.
Apparently, I have 50GB account there. OMG!!!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? … DELETE!!!

Oh, wait! I know several things: I don’t have a 50GB account with iCloud. It’s only 5GB. I don’t store photos there anyway. Nor videos. And I don’t need to check that my payment method has expired because I didn’t pay for iCloud. EVER. Top tip: this is caps/bigletters/red text to create or foster a sense of urgency. However, no payment system would ever do these things.