So I never expected so many problems with Spotify after offering to pay for it. Can’t find my address, can’t share my duo account, skips songs after 2 seconds repeatedly. hard to use and finding my address settings was a bugger. What is wrong with Spotify?

Photo by Thibault Penin on Unsplash
I removed all my cookies. Tried logging in again. That worked. Shouldn’t have to do that. Seriously, it’s not as robust as YTMusic.
Still can’t find a way to change the language settings in the accounts page. It changes in the webpage but when I view my account info, it’s all in Chinese! Google, M$, Apple, Dropbox! they can all manage this trick. It’s not like it is genius level skills to autotranslate the field names. Good grief, even my browser can do this!
Let’s see how this works! Even the app won’t download on my PC – well it downloaded but it’s only giving account links to browser pages (in Chinese). I’m not optimistic that this is going to be a happy relationship. I’ll give the phone app a go now.
indows 10 updated all the way. Hardware is older, though. The web version plays fine with my other account. That’s how I figured it was cookies that were causing the problem. Who knows why?
I’m beginning to suspect the account pages aren’t setup via Spotify but via Hinet since my wife opted to pay via her Hinet a/c. Supposedly more convenient! LOL! Might explain why the account pages are ONLY in Chinese regardless of any other app settings. Also, I can’t see where ‘my address’ is as a setting. This is definitely odd. If you need my address to approve the account! it should damn well show up on the App.