A lot of this PC vs. Mac stuff is just phony. Many software programs are in fact platfrom neutral, esp. the open source stuff which is often available in multi-linguall multi-OS format that shames many commercial developers.

I have tried Apple software on the PC (safari, itunes, video stuff, etc.) and have always admired how clunky, slow and bloated the software is. I can see that the software might run better on a Mac, but it doesn’t make me feel at home, so I never keep it. I installed iTunes just a couple of weeks ago, and each time I use it on my NEW PC with 2GB RAM it just is HORRIBLE.

Safari just isn’t very good compared to other browsers, though it looks beautiful and typography is great. I ‘want’ to like SAFARI but I usually remove it because it just doesn’t feel right. Like wearing someone else’s shoes, in a way.

But having bought an Ipad… I might be tempted to just try the iMac or Macbooks or something similar… mmm…