[Editor’s Note] New migrants ready to shine

Over the last six decades, Taiwan has been a prime destination for migrants from mainland China and Southeast Asia. With one in six marriages being transnational and one in eight babies born to families in which one spouse is a migrant, the country’s next challenge will be providing help to migrant families in terms of education and development.《full text》

過去六十多年間,來自中國大陸,東南亞的新移民一直把臺灣視為首要落腳地之一。目前每六對新婚夫婦中,就一對是異國情鴦; 每八名新生嬰兒中,就有一人是新移民的子女。因此,國家未來的重大挑戰之一,就是為新移民家庭提供教育和發展機會。《詳全文》

[Taiwan Inside Out] Naturalized citizen takes public office

After endearing audiences on the hit show “WTO Sister Show,” Arelis Gabot decided to take her passion for the Taiwanese culture to public office.《full text》

蕾妮絲(Arelis Gabot)在熱門電視節目「WTO姐妹會」風靡觀眾之後,就想到要把她對臺灣文化的熱愛帶進公職裡頭。《詳全文》

[Cover Story] New kids on the block

Over the last three decades, contemporary Taiwanese society has been changing quickly and immigration is often flagged up as one of the reasons why.《full text》


[Foreigners Forum] Who is eligible for dependent residency?

The spouses and children (under 20 years of age) of Taiwanese citizens with household registrations are eligible to apply for dependent residency in Taiwan.《full text》

凡在臺設有戶籍之國民,其外籍配偶及未滿20歲之外籍子女,均可申辦依親居留。 《詳全文》

[Hot Topic] Japanese author wins Taipei Literature Award

Last month, the Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs presented the Taipei Literature Award to Junichi Kinoshita for his Chinese-language novel “Dandelion Floss,” marking the first time in 13 years that the prestigious literature prize has been awarded to a non-native writer.《full text》

臺北市政府文化局上個月頒發臺北文學獎,日籍作家木下諄一以中文小說「蒲公英之絮」榮膺這項殊榮,成為此獎項創設十三年來首位獲獎的非本土作家。 《詳全文》

[On the Agenda] Fei Yu-ching

Popular Taiwanese singer Fei Yu-ching is holding a series of unique concerts until June 19 all across the island.《full text》


[On the Agenda] Li Baochun

Taipei-based opera singer Li Baochun is bringing Beijing Opera classics for modern audiences until April 17 at the National Theater in Taipei.《full text》
