Google’s New Policies: Taking potshots at Bloggers
Google has now taken aim squarely at the trashy results that frequently show up in its listing for products, etc., after the scandal with JCPenney’s. But actually, these problems have…
Google has now taken aim squarely at the trashy results that frequently show up in its listing for products, etc., after the scandal with JCPenney’s. But actually, these problems have…
Even at 45, I still suffer from adult acne. People used to tell me it was from eating chocolate. Rubbish. It’s hormonal. I’m not sure that chocolate really influences that…
You’ve experienced it: turn on your pc and boom update city. AV updates, System updates, browser updates, Flash updates, plugin updates, software updates,… And you only wanted to write a…
unstable PC caused by Youtube? adult acne vs. chocolate guilt