I have had my own Google Apps for Domains for AGES, it’s truly a useful tool, and having stuff available everywhere (the same stuff)… but one aspect that I don’t like is: NOT having an offline copy, too. True, I could use Google Gears for that. But I’ve got a better solution!

With Insync I can download all my Docs to my PC for safekeeping/offline editing. Then I copy them to another location for sharing across my PCs using DropBox. Since I have several Google Apps domains, it was difficult to install Dropbox and Insync and use them for both.

This workaround means I can back up the docs on my personal domain and my business domain via two pcs in the same place. And I’ve scheduled the action on a regular basis so it’s all automated. It was tricky. But it should work!

I had a few tense moments a few days ago when my biz domain just stopped working and I thought everything was gone. Now I won’t need to worry. At least I don’t think so!
