Democracy enhanced by improving immigrants’ lives


To demonstrate the government’s resolve to take good care of immigrants, Minister of the Interior Jiang, Yi-Huah accepted an invitation from the Hualien-based National Dong Hua University in September to deliver a speech for a general-knowledge course, titled “Immigrant Policies and Safeguarding Human Rights to Demonstrate Democracy Improvement.” In response to the International Migrants Day (Dec. 18) designated by the United Nations, the NIA has specially organized a series of related events which will run until Dec. 5, in order to show the respect for cultural diversity and to create a international-friendly living environment. 《full text》

為顯示政府照顧新移民的決心,並認同新移民對國家未來發展的重要性,內政部部長江宜樺於今年9月應花蓮東華大學邀請,參與東華大學通識教育專題講座「民主向前行-移民政策與人權保障」。另外,為了配合聯合國的國際移民日(12月18日),移民署也特別自即日起至12月5日舉辦國際移民日系列活動,以落實對多元文化的尊重與營造國際友善環境。 《詳全文》

Taipei International Travel Fair awaits your visit

2010台北國際旅展 好康等你來!

The largest event of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region, the 2010 Taipei International Travel Fair (ITF), will take place from November 5 to 8 at the Taipei World Trade Center’s Exhibition Hall 1. 《full text》

亞太地區規模最大的國際性專業旅展-2010台北國際旅展將於11月5日至8日於台北世貿展覽一館盛大登場! 《詳全文》

Foreign coach promotes soccer dreams in Taiwan

外籍教練 構築台灣足球夢

In 2003, Daniel Calvert, who had just arrived in Taiwan from England to teach English, saw the beginnings of a local soccer craze during the 2002 Japan-Korea World Cup games being broadcast here. Believing that soccer had almost unlimited potential in Taiwan, he started to consider the idea of launching a soccer academy here. This came to fruition in 2004, when Daniel and his friends from the Taipei Animals Football Club established the Master Football Academy (MFA), which aims to provide football training for children from kindergarten to junior high school and other youth. 《full text》

2003年,當時剛從英國來台灣教英文的丹尼爾,因為看到前一年日、韓世足賽在台灣掀起的風潮,認為足球運動在台灣大有可為,便興起了在台灣設立足球學校的念頭。2004年,丹尼爾和他在台北野獸足球隊的隊友共同成立了「明星足球訓練館」(Master Football Academy),預定針對幼稚園至國中的兒童及青少年提供足球運動的訓練。 《詳全文》

Creative courses make Mandarin lessons easier, more fun

創意華語課 教你寓教於樂學中文

Thanks to recent global trends, Mandarin has become one of the world’s most popular languages. Taiwan, which has long had a solid international reputation for promoting traditional Chinese culture and the elegant Chinese traditional characters, attracts students from all over the world who are eager to learn Mandarin. Currently, a total of 30 Chinese language centers under universities or colleges have been registered with the Ministry of Education and each center has its own distinctive advantages. In addition to common courses focusing on general grammar, listening, reading and writing, many Chinese language centers also offer a diversity of elective courses for students who wish to further experience Chinese culture. 《full text》

全球化時代來臨,中文現在已成為全世界最夯的學習語言之一,台灣擁有的傳統中華文化及優美繁體字也吸引了各國青年前來取經。目前全台在教育部登記有案的大學院校附設華語中心已達30間。各校教學內容不同,風格也各異,除了一般文法、聽力、閱讀、寫作之基本語言訓練外,許多學校的華語中心更提供多元的文化輔修課讓學生在語言學習之外也能進一步體驗中華文化。 《詳全文》