I’ve been having quite a bit of success with our school site. And I’m surprised how quickly the yahoo! traffic is building up.
We’ve got iver a dozen key terms ranked on the first page, and I recently target four more terms which are much more competitive than our previous choices… (proving that keyword research is a recursive process, if you want to get better!)
I tweaked the site results on Thursday, and already we’re seeing improvements in the rankings on Yahoo! TW, esp. for the longer terms. It think it’s going to take a few months to rank for the shorter terms, but WordPress is producing quite good results.
So our challenge at school is fourfold:
1. Capitalize on the increasing Yahoo! traffic
2. Improve the landing pages from the highest traffic terms (at least)
3. See if we can’t serve non-Tamsui traffic by providing products for sale. ( a huge challenge!)
4. Strengthen the linking by adding quality content elsewhere (our Chinese content is superficial at best).