ASUS Eee PC 1008HA in Pearl

The ASUS Eee PC 1008HA is the most recent model reviewed. And it shows in a number of ways.

It comes with all of the features you need in a netbook: wireless N, Bluetooth, N280 processor, SDHC card slot, and respectable battery life.

XP runs well with the N280 processor and 1GB. And the addition of Bluetooth 2.1 means you can connect easily to a wide range of devices, including your mobile phone.

The elegant design belies some usability improvements: a 92%-scaled keyboard helping ease keyboard fatigue. The touchpad is now multi-touch allowing additional action and bigger. and the right shift key makes touch-typing comfortable and easier.

Overall, the machine is better designed, but the battery life isn’t as long as the ASUS Eee PC 1000HE at just over 4 hours. Nor is the battery unit replaceable by customers. So you will have to carry that power lead just in case. And the unit is more expensive than either of the other models.

Available since May ’09. Ships quickly with 1-year manufacturer warranty and 30-day flawless display warranty . Current price range: $410.00-430.00.
Top selling ASUS Eee PCs 4 Star Rating for ASUS Eee PC 1008HA
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