For those looking for a miracle diet… one that sheds those kilos before the festive season arrives, you’ll no doubt be looking for the best diet pills, the ones that can help you shed 20lbs before the turkey comes out of the oven.
Of course, if you eat that Christmas pudding, that Thanksgiving feast, consume all that alcohol (wine, punch, mulled wine, etc.) between now and the 25th, you’re not just going to be looking for miracle pills! You might be needing a new pair of pants, too.
Instead take my new approach: the slow diet. Start by making micro changes to your lifestyle, but make sure that those changes stick. After all, those kilos got around your midriff all because of micro changes in your life and diet! It’s much more sensible!
So start slow: get a little more exercise each day, eat a little less, go to bed a little early, drink a little more water, … just do it. Don’t let your habits keep you prisoner! Don’t think about it! Your weight loss goals, no matter how far away, can be realized.