We never get up early on Sundays, but we can still manage a decent trip before sunset! This Sunday we went into the mountains near Dahsi. It was pretty quiet this Sunday at the beginning of ghost month!
We came upon this little village called Fuhsing in the mountains, where the biggest thing seemed to be the carparks (for holidaymakers on weekends, I guess!), but this weekend it was deserted.
As you can see!
In the mainstreet area, we passed lots of mushroom vendors, selling all kinds of mushrooms. We eventually bought some from the stall on the right. It seems this is Mushroom City in Taiwan.
In fact, we even came across a Mushroom Avenue!
Naturally, we had to try some. The dish on the left is deep fried mushrooms, while the dish in the center foreground is pork and rice topped with… sliced mushrooms!
We also discovered that there were a lot of fruit from Lala Mountain on sale here, especially the Japanese pears.
We caught a nice sunset photograph as the sun was going down! It had been quite foggy during the day, so the images looks a little misty.
A fun trip to the Dahsi, overall, though we forgot to fill up the car before we went there! So the needle was hovering near empty when we finally got to Fuhsing Village.