Disappointed that your downloading services as usual precludes DVD buyers in other countries, esp. those not served by Amazon stores… Very disappointed. You won’t be making any money from me on these. I understand the legal reasons why this may be the case, but still movie companies don’t understand the Internet. It is a GLOBAL phenomenon, truly GLOBAL, whether anyone likes it or not.

So when DVD production starts to drop and sales of DVDs slump as well even more, remember the buyers who used to buy the rare DVDs, the unusual CDs, the ones who don’t need another copy of CELINE DION, the foreign buyers who were then excluded from purchasing your products, the ones who used to buy 5 DVDs at a time, because they were important customers…

Remember those, then start to add them up. You’ll be surprised how many customers you can lose this way. Then you’ll be wondering why your overall sales of DVDs/Downloads are declining, because these customers will go away to other sites that can serve, other vendors who will find solutions, other services that can provide the products they want. They will not likely return. If you doubt me, then look at any of a number of passe retailers, shoved out by not serving customers.
