I was asked to help promote this new website, Alcohol Rehab or Drug Rehab, and, although it is a fee paying site, I do think that this center deals with the all to prevalent problem of substance abuse/addiction. Judging from the fine location, this is an ideal retreat for people facing turbulent times from their addiction, as well as lots of additional ‘hotel’ style facilities to make the treatment process just a little more bearable. After all, if you’re addicted to something, is a lousy environment to be treated really going to help things or make them worse? I do like the way that the Treatment programs cater to individuals. Though many people face addictions, indeed the same addictions, the actual circumstances can be quite different. Even if they are not, they are still different to the people facing the situation. I don’t think it helps too many people to be told, “Oh, it’s a common problem” or “A lot of people experience this.” The last reason that it appealed to me was in fact that the center is run by the kind of people it seeks to treat, people who have survived addiction. What could be greater than that!

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