Welcome to the members of the TESOLTeachers.org/forums/Yahoo! Group

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy 2006!

I’ve created one or two new forums with articles that I have reposted from other websites. I thought they would make interesting reading.

If you have any short or long articles that you would like to post here, for our visitors, I’d be delighted to go over them and tidy them up for presentation in our articles areas.
We’d especially like practical pieces and lesson plans/ideas if you have any! In return we can link or drive the occasional visitor to your own website.

Newer members may find the introductions forum a particularly good place to tell us about yourselves.

And last, a special offer to TESOLTeachers.org members, if you are looking for affordable webhosting and you don’t have much experience, I’m offering 10% off my hosting services for the first year. You can go to
http://www.tesolteachers.com/ to find out why my package is attractive.

Best Wishes
Forum Admin.