Well, today, despite being sick, I was trying to set up and configure Mambo CMS on one of my websites. It really should make things easier in the long run, but unfortunately, I managed to screw up the page, I don’t know how.

Anyway, I decided to reinstall the themes. That didn’t fix it. So then I installed the files again, but that didn’t work, then I reinstalled the database, all to no avail.

I have no idea what I did wrong, so I have spent the last three hours trying to fix what went wrong.

Mambo is actually a great piece of software, but it is frightfully complex to manage. Last time I tried to use it, I got myself into similar problems with it. It is quite easy to install, too. I just had it up and running really fast. Quite surprising. It’s very pleasant to use and with different themes you can really find out what designs you really like…

I’ve had a lot of fun playing around with the different options, so now I can pretty much use it as it is. I still can’t make some things appear, or at least appear as I think it should. I need some work on that I guess… Anyway, you can have a look at here to see how I am doing!

Thanks, guys.